by Virginie | Nov 30, 2017 | Non classé
Plus vous pratiquerez les techniques de bien-être et adopterez une hygiène de vie qui tend vers l’impeccable, plus vous ressentirez cette paix intérieure qui fera votre force et vous aidera à rester en équilibre malgré la tempête. Ces techniques font partie d’une...
by Virginie | Nov 17, 2017 | Non classé
“Once you accept that it takes all sorts to make the world, you start to cherish people for who they are and stop blaming them for who/what they are not.” A guide to tolerance and inner peace. #yogaemotions...
by Virginie | Nov 10, 2017 | Non classé
I was a happy child and I consider myself to be a happy person in general as an adult. I gladly help others, I practice yoga, I dislike conflicts and I love to light up the room with a smile or laughter. As a matter of fact, my smile has often gotten me compliments...
by Virginie | Nov 9, 2017 | Non classé
Register Now for Your Sprouts Workshop! Go Green or Go Home For health-conscious people interested in learning how to get fresh vitamins and minerals from plants you grow right in your own home, all year round! *$50* During this two-hour workshop (1-3pm), you will...
by Virginie | Nov 3, 2017 | Non classé
Le mois dernier je me suis offert une cure de jouvence: un jeûne alimentaire de 10 jours sous la guidance professionnelle de mes professeurs en yoga et nutrition*. Chaque soir et matin, j’inscrivais dans un journal mon ressenti et mes émotions. Soudainement,...
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